3 weeks ago

Budapest, Hungary Mediaworks Hungary Zrt. Full time

MEDIAWORKS HUNGARY ZRTMOTION DESIGNERT KERESVan tapasztalatod a média világában, és minden érdekel, ami a hétköznapi embereket érintheti? Tapasztalt motion designer vagy, aki új kihívást keres, és vonzó számodra a tartalomgyártás világa? Ha azt mondom, hogy Magyar Nemzet, Bors, Metropol, Ripost, Life,…,akkor magunkról mesélekA Mediaworks Hungary Zrt. Digitális Igazgatósága munkatársat keres a portfolió termékeinek grafikai és motion design elemeinek gyártásában való közreműködésre motion designer munkakörben.FELADATOKTermékek arculatához kapcsolódó grafikai elemkészletek fejlesztése, art direkciós munkája, grafikai elemek fejlesztéseElsősorban videós arculati tervezési és kivitelezési feladatok (intrók, outrók, egyéb grafikai elemek tervezése)Motion design feladatok operatív végrehajtásaEgyéb digitális grafikai gyártási feladatok (névinsertek, kiajánlók, social médiára szánt animációk, készítése)ELVÁRÁSOKFelsőfokú végzettségKözépfokú idegennyelv-tudásHasonló területen szerzett minimum 3 éves tapasztalatKiváló kommunikációs- és kapcsolatteremtő készségSzükséges Adobe programok beható ismereteGyors, precíz, hatékony munkavégzésCsapatban történő, de önálló munkavégzésre való készségAgilis gondolkodásmód és proaktivitásELŐNYDigitális videógyártásban szerzett tapasztalatFejlesztési projektekben szerzett tapasztalatAMIT KÍNÁLUNKNagyvállalati háttér, nyitott és agilis csapatVersenyképes bérezésFolyamatos fejlődési lehetőségMUNKAVÉGZÉS HELYE: BudapestLégy egy szuper csapat tagjaKüldd el nekünk magyar nyelvű önéletrajzodat és bérigényed a "Jelentkezem" gombra kattintva.

  • Valve Order Engineer

    4 weeks ago

    Budapest, Hungary Flowserve Corporation Full time

    Flowserve is a world-leading manufacturer and aftermarket service provider of comprehensive flow control systems. Join a company whose people are committed to building a more sustainable future to make the world better for everyone. With 16,000+ employees in 50+ countries, we combine our global reach with local presence. Our team challenges themselves...

  • Valve Order Engineer

    4 weeks ago

    Budapest, Hungary Flowserve Corporation Full time

    Flowserve is a world-leading manufacturer and aftermarket service provider of comprehensive flow control systems. Join a company whose people are committed to building a more sustainable future to make the world better for everyone. With 16,000+ employees in 50+ countries, we combine our global reach with local presence. Our team challenges themselves to...

  • Valve Order Engineer

    4 weeks ago

    Budapest, Hungary Flowserve Corporation Full time

    Flowserve is a world-leading manufacturer and aftermarket service provider of comprehensive flow control systems. Join a company whose people are committed to building a more sustainable future to make the world better for everyone. With 16,000+ employees in 50+ countries, we combine our global reach with local presence. Our team challenges themselves to...

  • Budapest, Hungary Flowserve Corporation Full time

    Flowserve is a world-leading manufacturer and aftermarket service provider of comprehensive flow control systems. Join a company whose people are committed to building a more sustainable future to make the world better for everyone. With 16,000+ employees in 50+ countries, we combine our global reach with local presence. Our team challenges themselves...

  • Budapest, Hungary Flowserve Corporation Full time

    Flowserve is a world-leading manufacturer and aftermarket service provider of comprehensive flow control systems. Join a company whose people are committed to building a more sustainable future to make the world better for everyone. With 16,000+ employees in 50+ countries, we combine our global reach with local presence. Our team challenges themselves...

  • Budapest, Hungary Flowserve Corporation Full time

    Flowserve is a world-leading manufacturer and aftermarket service provider of comprehensive flow control systems. Join a company whose people are committed to building a more sustainable future to make the world better for everyone. With 16,000+ employees in 50+ countries, we combine our global reach with local presence. Our team challenges themselves...

  • Budapest, Hungary Flowserve Corporation Full time

    Flowserve is a world-leading manufacturer and aftermarket service provider of comprehensive flow control systems. Join a company whose people are committed to building a more sustainable future to make the world better for everyone. With 16,000+ employees in 50+ countries, we combine our global reach with local presence. Our team challenges themselves...

  • Budapest, Hungary Flowserve Corporation Full time

    Flowserve is a world-leading manufacturer and aftermarket service provider of comprehensive flow control systems. Join a company whose people are committed to building a more sustainable future to make the world better for everyone. With 16,000+ employees in 50+ countries, we combine our global reach with local presence. Our team challenges themselves...

  • Budapest, Hungary Flowserve Corporation Full time

    Flowserve is a world-leading manufacturer and aftermarket service provider of comprehensive flow control systems. Join a company whose people are committed to building a more sustainable future to make the world better for everyone. With 16,000+ employees in 50+ countries, we combine our global reach with local presence. Our team challenges themselves to...

  • Budapest, Hungary Flowserve Corporation Full time

    Flowserve is a world-leading manufacturer and aftermarket service provider of comprehensive flow control systems. Join a company whose people are committed to building a more sustainable future to make the world better for everyone. With 16,000+ employees in 50+ countries, we combine our global reach with local presence. Our team challenges themselves to...

  • Budapest, Hungary Flowserve Corporation Full time

    Flowserve is a world-leading manufacturer and aftermarket service provider of comprehensive flow control systems. Join a company whose people are committed to building a more sustainable future to make the world better for everyone. With 16,000+ employees in 50+ countries, we combine our global reach with local presence. Our team challenges themselves to...

  • Budapest, Hungary Flowserve Corporation Full time

    Flowserve is a world-leading manufacturer and aftermarket service provider of comprehensive flow control systems. Join a company whose people are committed to building a more sustainable future to make the world better for everyone. With 16,000+ employees in 50+ countries, we combine our global reach with local presence. Our team challenges themselves to...

  • Budapest, Hungary Flowserve Corporation Full time

    Flowserve is a world-leading manufacturer and aftermarket service provider of comprehensive flow control systems. Join a company whose people are committed to building a more sustainable future to make the world better for everyone. With 16,000+ employees in 50+ countries, we combine our global reach with local presence. Our team challenges themselves to...

  • Budapest, Hungary Flowserve Corporation Full time

    Flowserve is a world-leading manufacturer and aftermarket service provider of comprehensive flow control systems. Join a company whose people are committed to building a more sustainable future to make the world better for everyone. With 16,000+ employees in 50+ countries, we combine our global reach with local presence. Our team challenges themselves to...

  • Valve Order Engineer

    4 weeks ago

    Budapest, Hungary Flowserve Corporation Full time

    Flowserve is a world-leading manufacturer and aftermarket service provider of comprehensive flow control systems. Join a company whose people are committed to building a more sustainable future to make the world better for everyone. With 16,000+ employees in 50+ countries, we combine our global reach with local presence. Our team challenges themselves to...

  • Valve Order Engineer

    4 weeks ago

    Budapest, Hungary Flowserve Corporation Full time

    Flowserve is a world-leading manufacturer and aftermarket service provider of comprehensive flow control systems. Join a company whose people are committed to building a more sustainable future to make the world better for everyone. With 16,000+ employees in 50+ countries, we combine our global reach with local presence. Our team challenges themselves to...

  • Valve Order Engineer

    4 hours ago

    Budapest, Hungary Flowserve Corporation Full time

    Flowserve is a world-leading manufacturer and aftermarket service provider of comprehensive flow control systems. Join a company whose people are committed to building a more sustainable future to make the world better for everyone. With 16,000+ employees in 50+ countries, we combine our global reach with local presence. Our team challenges themselves to...

  • Budapest, Hungary Flowserve Corporation Full time

    Flowserve is a world-leading manufacturer and aftermarket service provider of comprehensive flow control systems. Join a company whose people are committed to building a more sustainable future to make the world better for everyone. With 16,000+ employees in 50+ countries, we combine our global reach with local presence. Our team challenges themselves to...

  • Budapest, Hungary Flowserve Corporation Full time

    Flowserve is a world-leading manufacturer and aftermarket service provider of comprehensive flow control systems. Join a company whose people are committed to building a more sustainable future to make the world better for everyone. With 16,000+ employees in 50+ countries, we combine our global reach with local presence. Our team challenges themselves to...

  • Budapest, Hungary Flowserve Corporation Full time

    Flowserve is a world-leading manufacturer and aftermarket service provider of comprehensive flow control systems. Join a company whose people are committed to building a more sustainable future to make the world better for everyone. With 16,000+ employees in 50+ countries, we combine our global reach with local presence. Our team challenges themselves to...