3 weeks ago

Budapest, Hungary BECK AND PARTNERS Kft. Full time

Feladatok:Projektek világítástechnikai méretezéseLámpatípusok kiválasztása, tervekre berajzolásaDialux vagy Relux programok használataKapcsolattartás belsőépítészekkel, építészekkelNem értékesítői munka, de a Sales csapat technikai támogatása Elvárások:Világítástechnikai tanulmányok, preferáltan villamosmérnöki végzettségSzakirányú végzettség hiányában a Relux vagy Dialux programok professzionális használata1-3 éves elektromos hálózatok tervezésében szerzett tapasztalatTársalgási szintű angol nyelvtudásAutoCad ismereteGyors, precíz munkavégzésHatáridők tartása Előnyt jelent:Hasonló területen szerzett tapasztalatMagas munkabírás Amit kínálnak:Pozícióhoz illeszkedő jövedelem, megegyezés szerintAnyagi és erkölcsi megbecsülésBiztos munkahely egy dinamikusan fejlődő Világítástechnikai, országosan ismert cégnélFeltétlen támogatás a minél jobb minőségű munkavégzés érdekébenFelelősségteljes feladatkör, mellyel Ön is fejlődhetVilágszínvonalú design bemutatóteremFiatal, motivált csapat, erős csapatszellemKellemes munkahelyi légkörIngyenes parkolás Munkavégzés pontos helye:Budapest, IV. kerület. Munkaidő:Hétfőtől péntekig, napi 8 órás munkavégzés. Jelentkezés módja:Küldje el számunkra lehetőleg fényképes szakmai önéletrajzát bérigénye megjelölésével az alábbi „Jelentkezés” gombra kattintva Mi történik a jelentkezését követően:Kollégáink a hirdetésben megjelölt szakmai elvárások mentén elbírálják pályázatát és amennyiben az ott leírtak alapján alkalmasnak találják, akkor továbbítják megbízónk felé szakmai profilját.Ezt követően már megbízónk kezeli jelentkezését, így a kiválasztási folyamat további részében MI nem fogunk részt venni.A jelentkezéssel elfogadod a Beck and Partners Kft. adatvédelmi tájékoztatóját.

  • Budapest, Hungary BP Energy Full time

    Entity: FinanceJob Family Group: Business Support GroupJob Description: We are a global energy business involved in every aspect of the energy system. We are working towards delivering light, heat and mobility to millions of people, every day. We are one of the very few companies equipped to solve some of the big complex challenges that matter for the...

  • Budapest, Budapest, Hungary BP Energy Full time

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  • Budapest, Budapest, Hungary BP Energy Full time

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  • Budapest, Budapest, Hungary BP Energy Full time

    Company Overview:BP Energy, a leading global energy company, provides heat, light, and mobility to customers worldwide. We're home to various brands across the bp landscape, investing in today's energy system and helping build out tomorrow's. Our mission is to become a different kind of energy company by decarbonizing and diversifying our business.S2C...

  • Budapest, Budapest, Hungary BP Energy Full time

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  • Budapest, Hungary BP Energy Full time

    Entity: Customers & ProductsJob Family Group: Business Support GroupJob Description: We are a global energy business involved in every aspect of the energy system. We are working towards delivering light, heat and mobility to millions of people, every day. We are one of the very few companies equipped to solve some of the big complex challenges that matter...

  • Data Engineer

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    Budapest, Hungary BP Energy Full time

    Job Family Group: IT&S GroupJob Description: We are a global energy business involved in every aspect of the energy system. We are working towards delivering light, heat and mobility to millions of people, every day. We are one of the very few companies equipped to solve some of the big complex challenges that matter for the future. We have a real...

  • Budapest, Hungary BP Energy Full time

    Entity: Customers & ProductsJob Family Group: Project Management GroupJob Description: Job DescriptionWe are a global energy business involved in every aspect of the energy system. We are working towards delivering light, heat and mobility to millions of people, every day. We are one of the very few companies equipped to solve some of the big complex...

  • Budapest, Hungary BP Energy Full time

    Entity: Customers & ProductsJob Family Group: Business Support GroupJob Description: We are a global energy business involved in every aspect of the energy system. We are working towards delivering light, heat and mobility to millions of people, every day. We are one of the very few companies equipped to solve some of the big complex challenges that matter...

  • Budapest, Hungary BP Energy Full time

    Entity: Customers & ProductsJob Family Group: Business Support GroupJob Description: We are a global energy business involved in every aspect of the energy system. We are working towards delivering light, heat and mobility to millions of people, every day. We are one of the very few companies equipped to solve some of the big complex challenges that matter...

  • Budapest, Hungary BP Energy Full time

    Entity: TechnologyJob Family Group: IT&S GroupJob Description: We are a global energy business involved in every aspect of the energy system. We are working towards delivering light, heat and mobility to millions of people, every day. We are one of the very few companies equipped to solve some of the big complex challenges that matter for the future. We have...

  • Data Engineer

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    Budapest, Hungary BP Energy Full time

    Job Family Group: IT&S GroupJob Description: We are a global energy business involved in every aspect of the energy system. We are working towards delivering light, heat and mobility to millions of people, every day. We are one of the very few companies equipped to solve some of the big complex challenges that matter for the future. We have a real...

  • Salesforce Analyst

    2 weeks ago

    Budapest, Hungary BP Energy Full time

    Entity: FinanceJob Family Group: Business Support GroupJob Description: We are a global energy business involved in every aspect of the energy system. We are working towards delivering light, heat and mobility to millions of people, every day. We are one of the very few companies equipped to solve some of the big complex challenges that matter for the...

  • Budapest, Hungary BP Energy Full time

    Entity: Customers & ProductsJob Family Group: Business Support GroupJob Description: We are a global energy business involved in every aspect of the energy system. We are working towards delivering light, heat and mobility to millions of people, every day. We are one of the very few companies equipped to solve some of the big complex challenges that matter...

  • Budapest, Hungary BP Energy Full time

    Entity: TechnologyJob Family Group: IT&S GroupJob Description: We are a global energy business involved in every aspect of the energy system. We are working towards delivering light, heat and mobility to millions of people, every day. We are one of the very few companies equipped to solve some of the big complex challenges that matter for the future. We have...

  • Budapest, Hungary BP Energy Full time

    Entity: TechnologyJob Family Group: IT&S GroupJob Description: As a leading global energy company, we provide heat, light and mobility to customers worldwide. Across the bp landscape, we’re home to a range of brands across many areas of our industry.  We’re investing in today’s energy system and helping build out tomorrow’s. So while we’re...

  • Data manager

    2 weeks ago

    Budapest, Hungary BP Energy Full time

    Job Family Group: IT&S GroupJob Description: We are a global energy business involved in every aspect of the energy system. We are working towards delivering light, heat and mobility to millions of people, every day. We are one of the very few companies equipped to solve some of the big complex challenges that matter for the future. We have a real...

  • Budapest, Hungary BP Energy Full time

    Entity: TechnologyJob Family Group: IT&S GroupJob Description: We are a global energy business involved in every aspect of the energy system. We are working towards delivering light, heat and mobility to millions of people, every day. We are one of the very few companies equipped to solve some of the big complex challenges that matter for the future. We have...